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Cookie Policy | Primark eGift Cards UK

Who takes care of your personal information?
What are cookies?
Google Analytics, Facebook and other tracking Cookies
How can you disable or delete Cookies?
How do you stop tracking?
More information and contact details
Changes to our Cookie Policy


Who takes care of your personal information?

This website is operated by Voucher Express for Primark. Under data protection law, we need to tell you who controls and processes your personal information.

Primark are the Data Controller for all non-payment related personal information about you and Voucher Express are the Data Processor.

Voucher Express are the Data Controller for your payment related personal information, this is your personal information that is connected to how you pay for your giftcard. In this case, Primark are the Data Processor.


What are Cookies?


Google Analytics, Facebook and other tracking cookies

By default we do not enable Google Analytics, Facebook or other tracking cookies. If you allow cookies on our website then Google Analytics, Facebook and other tracking cookies will be enabled. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the website. We use this information in a way which does not identify anyone.  


How can you disable or delete Cookies?

To learn more about cookies, including how to manage them and how they affect your online activities, please visit or You can also learn how to control cookies on different browsers at, or if you want to know how to delete cookies, visit


How do you stop tracking?

You can change your cookie preference by using the below button:



If you would like more information or would like to exercise your personal information rights please use the contact details below:

You can contact us using by using any of the contact details below: -


Post: DPO, Voucher Express, Metcalfe House, 23H Kirkgate, Ripon North Yorkshire, HG4 1PB


Changes to our Cookie Policy

This policy may change from time to time in line with legal or industry developments. We will not explicitly inform our website users of these changes. Instead, we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes.